Kindergarten attendance

Every Day Counts Kindergarten Attendance Challenge 22-23 Changing the socio-emotional experiences of children transitioning back to school is crucial to building life-long practices for attendance and punctuality.

Studies show “one-third of the children who were chronically absent in prekindergarten (defined as missing 10 percent or more of days enrolled in school for excused or unexcused absences) were also chronically absent in kindergarten, and one-third of that group of children remained chronically absent in second grade (Ehrlich et al. 2014)”

ONGB is looking to change these rates for our students. This program is designed to support families with the enrollment process while working to develop the healthy habit for on-time daily school attendance. Our collaborative work together to cultivate a strong culture of learning, foster a connected community of young scholars, and most importantly providing awareness of the importance of attending school EVERY SINGLE DAY is the key to our student and families success in the future.

Together, we can:

1. Increase enrollment in OUSD’s Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten programs

2. Increase parent awareness around the importance of daily attendance

3. Build healthy habits around daily attendance

4. Create a school culture of academic achievement

Target Student Group:

The Kindergarten Challenge program support will be offered to families of students entering Transitional Kindergarten, (TK), Pre-K, and Kindergarten children entering the Oakland Unified School System.
Priority enrollment will be given to families enrolling at schools with historically high rates of chronic absenteeism.
Partner Schools: Hoover Elementary School Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School Prescott Elementary School.